Things in Your Garage You Should Toss Immediately

Your garage is excellent storage space, however, sometimes it can get out of hand. Cleaning out your garage can feel like a major task, but it’s also a great opportunity to declutter, make more space, AND get rid of things that really shouldn’t have been there in the first place! Here’s a list of things you may find in your garage that you might want to consider tossing, donating, or repurposing.

garage items to toss

Old Paint, Chemicals, & Fluids

Expired or unused paint, pesticides, and other chemicals can be hazardous. Properly dispose of them at a designated hazardous waste facility. For any future paint and chemical storage, be sure you are winterizing it and storing it in the proper way to ensure safety to you and your family. Check the expiration dates on motor oil, coolant, and other fluids. Dispose of them properly. Explore other garage hazards to take care of here!

Broken Tools & Old Equipment

Everyone has been guilty of this at one point or another: holding onto something in hopes of repairing it but never actually getting around to it. Take a moment to really analyze these types of things in your garage. If you have tools that are beyond repair or duplicates you don’t use, it might be time to let them go. The same goes for old, rusted equipment, including shovels, rakes, and brooms. It’s OK to part with these to make way for newer editions that will work better and ultimately be safer for you and your family.

Worn-Out Sports Equipment & Kid’s Toys

Old or worn-out sports equipment and toys often gather dust in the garage once they’re no longer used. As kids grow and interests change, it’s natural to accumulate these items. Take some time to decide what to keep and what to let go of. Outdated or broken sports gear, such as tennis rackets or old bikes, can be recycled or donated if they’re still in decent condition. Consider hosting a garage sale to clear out some old, unused kids items to make room for age-appropriate gear and toys.

Outdated Electronics

Old gadgets like broken radios, outdated printers, or obsolete tech can accumulate in the garage. Most often these items can be recycled. Check for e-waste recycling programs in your area and be sure to dispose of them in the proper way.

Unused Furniture

While some garages double as an entertainment space, others were never intended to hold old, unused furniture. Now is the time to part with it! If you have furniture that’s no longer needed or is in poor condition, consider donating or disposing of it responsibly. Posting free furniture on Facebook Marketplace or other local buy/sell/trade sites can be a quick and EASY way to pass it along without having to worry about hauling it yourself.

Expired Food

Most people in the Midwest utilize their garage in the colder winter months as a second fridge. However, your garage really shouldn’t be used as a secondary pantry. Fluctuating temperatures can impact even “nonperishable” foods and it is best to keep any food and beverage items indoors in proper storage areas. Whatever you’ve been keeping in your garage, we encourage you to proceed with caution in consuming them. Dispose of them properly or, if you are confident in how they’ve held up, consider consuming or donating them over the next month.

Old Documentation

Running out of office space often means moving old papers to the garage for storage. Generally, you should keep permanent documents like marriage certificates, birth certificates, passports, and licenses. For other documents, such as bank statements, tax records, and expired warranties, a good rule of thumb is to keep them for 7 years before shredding them.

Miscellaneous Junk

Toss any random items that have accumulated and no longer serve a clear purpose. When getting rid of items, consider recycling whenever possible and check for any local disposal regulations.

Resetting Your Garage with J.D. Griffiths

Your garage is an incredible space, designed to ebb and flow with the seasons, your family’s needs, and various circumstances. But if you don’t take time to declutter and clean out things that should no longer be there, the value and quality of your garage will quickly diminish. If you’re finding yourself in need of a whole new garage transformation, that’s where we come in!

J.D. Griffiths has been building and renovating detached garages in the greater Milwaukee area since 1947! We can help you reset and get the garage that works for you! Give us a call for your FREE estimate today to begin the process >>> 414-362-7222

J.D. Griffiths has proudly served the greater Milwaukee area since 1947, building our reputation as the premiere detached garage and garage door experts. Check out more resources, examples, and information on our garage builds, renovations, door installation, and service jobs to learn more. Be sure to connect with us on social media, too! Follow J.D. Griffiths on Facebook.