4 Essential Style Elements to Match Your New Garage to the House

4 Essential Style Elements to Match Your New Garage to Your House

A brand new detached garage is an exciting time for a homeowner and has many benefits to offer. It increases your curb appeal and allows extra space and separation from the home! However, your property value can be impacted if there isn’t a cohesive look between the two buildings. While you can take some liberty since they are not attached, it usually looks best when the design blends well with the home’s look, color, style, and aesthetic details.

Let’s explore 4 essential style elements our experts at J.D. Griffiths recommend to match your new garage to the house.


Because your siding is the first thing people see when looking at the home’s structure, it has the biggest impact on your curb appeal and will be one of the most important elements to create a cohesive look. Let’s go through an example. Suppose you live in a home with yellow vinyl siding. It would look a bit strange if you paired that classic look with a lime green vinyl garage, right? The colors don’t match, the property wouldn’t look whole, and you would be taking away the timelessness look your house has to offer. Keeping the siding consistent on both buildings is the best, and easiest, way to maximize your curb appeal.


In our opinion, the roofing is the second-most important aspect other than siding. The materials and the color should match that of your home’s roof. This can be challenging if you have an older style home with a slate roof, for example, but utilizing the expertise of garage experts like J.D. Griffiths will help solve that problem for you. Although in most cases, people choose to keep the roof the same as the house, exceptions can be made for metal roofs if they are used aesthetically as an accent piece to the property and is something to consider when making the ultimate decision.


An easy way to tie in your two separate structure is to match the landscaping that already exists around your home. Whether it’s bushes, trees, or flowers, picking out the same plant species not only looks great, but it will do wonders for your curb appeal. Many detached garages have a cement path leading to the main home which can act as a simple transition point between the two buildings, giving you an outline of where to place your landscaping. Especially if you’re known to have a green thumb, this is an element you can really have control over – so have fun with it!


Cohesive decorative accents tend to be a very simple, but strategic approach to bringing the image of your home and garage together. This can be anything from matching light fixtures to identical potted plants, signage, and more! Decorating the two as a pair can be especially fun around holidays, like Christmas! If you prefer to be the most house on the block, utilizing your garage as another focal point provides added opportunity to get creative and design traffic-stopping displays!

Get the most out of your new garage and the money you spent by ensuring it will increase your home’s value! We hope our recommendations have helped you come to a few decisions and develop a further understanding of the effect cohesiveness has on your curb appeal. If you’re ready to get your project started today, contact J.D. Griffiths today.